My reflection of progress.
How well do you feel about progressing with your blogging compared to last year?
Although my blog is no perfect at this stage, i do believe it is definitely better than my AS blog as i already have used a variety of different technologies, also i believe my blogs have much more information than they did from last year, and it is not as boring.
What Mark out of 20 would you give yourself at this point for use of different ICT and level of detail in your blogging?
I would give my blog an 9/10 at this stage i do believe i have used a variety of different ICT however, there is much more i could use such as power points, social networking and many more, also i believe my work could be more in debt, i could give more examples of things that i talk about and research more possibly.
What three things do you need to improve?
Using more and unique ICT
To be more descriptive and to be more in debt
To blog regularly min 2/3 times a week.